Tuntematon mestari (2019)

| Drama | IMDB

Manuskript af:

Anna Heinämaa


41 Shadows


Klaus Härö

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Sidste Bud

An elderly art dealer Olavi (72) is about to retire. A man who has always put business and art before everything - even his family - cannot imagine life without work. At an auction, an old painting catches his attention. Olavi suspects it is worth much more than its starting price, which is low because its authenticity hasn't been confirmed. Olavi's instincts kick in. He decides to make one last deal in order to earn some proper pension money. At the same time, Olavi's daughter Lea (42) - whom he hasn't seen for years - asks him to help her with his teenage grandson Otto (15). Together with Otto, Olavi starts to investigate the background of the painting. They find out that the painting is called Christ and was painted by Ilya Repin. Olavi manages to buy the painting, but when the auction house realizes that there has been a mistake with the original pricing, they turn against him. To fulfill his dream, the old dealer must face both the auction house and his own past mistakes.






Trailer 1

Film Nyheder


Hvor der handles, der spildes

" Fristelsen ved en god handel kan være næsten uimodståelig, særligt hvis der mangler lidt på kistebunden. ’Sidste bud’ er en finsk film, der handler om kunst, familie og ære, alt sammen udspillet i den ældre kunsthandler Olavis sidste gode handel. Bag film står den garvede instruktør Klaus Härö, der tidligere har været nomineret til en Golden Globe for sin film ’The Fencer’ fra 2015. ’Sidste bud’ får dansk biografpremiere den 7. november. "